Applying Design with Gemeente Woensdrecht
Being A Designer developed and facilitated a creative process for the municipality of Woensdrecht, where diverse stakeholders co-created the environmental vision of the municipality. In sessions with experts and civil servants, co-creation took place to define inspiring goals and the vision itself. This brought together interests and needs to formulate the key principles of the environmental vision, which will help guide future development of the living environment.
In addition to sessions with experts and civil servants, generative sessions were held with young people from Woensdrecht to document their concerns and wishes for the future of the municipality. These sessions used trend maps as conversation starters. The session not only contributed to shaping the environmental vision for Woensdrecht but also provided clarity on how to make it more appealing for young people to remain in Woensdrecht. No future without youth.
Working together with stakeholders and residents towards a "document" that captures the key principles for the living environment, addressing as many interests as possible.
Being A Designer
Kerklaan 52
2912CK Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel